Full Pisces Super Moon Lunar Eclipse, Virgo Solar Festival, Autumn Equinox 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast

archangel michaelCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry

Pisces Moon Conjunct Neptune, Sextile Uranus, Square Jupiter creates a perfect moment for dramatic positive change and self-transformation! Less than a week later, we celebrate the Autumnal Equinox, a time for reflection, relationship, and the creation of a new dynamic balance in our lives!

Full Pisces Super Moon Lunar Eclipse, Virgo Solar Festival, Autumn Equinox 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast

archangel michaelCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry

Pisces Moon Conjunct Neptune, Sextile Uranus, Square Jupiter creates a perfect moment for dramatic positive change and self-transformation! Less than a week later, we celebrate the Autumnal Equinox, a time for reflection, relationship, and the creation of a new dynamic balance in our lives!

Autumn Equinox: The Archangel Michael Meditation

alchemyCurtis Lang
It's Time to Surround Yourself with the Electric Blue Flame of Archangel Michael! This year, 2024, the Autumnal Equinox occurs on September 22 at 8:43 AM Eastern time. Archangel Michael, who presides over the fall season, is the patron and protector of all those seeking protection, purification, and release from karmic burdens. Michael is always available to help us overcome fear, doubt, and negative emotions and thought-forms from our lives. Michael and his legions of guardian angels wield the electric blue flame of karmic liberation.

Autumn Equinox and the New Age of the Divine Lovers

Curtis Lang and Jane Sherry
The Autumn Equinox is a Festival of the Divine Lovers, an alchemical time of year, a time of transformation and purification. We feel the uprising of Universal Life Force energy into our higher chakras. The seasonal wheel reaches the point of equal day and equal night and we celebrate the sacred marriage of the Divine Lovers. We envision the establishment of a New Age civilization based upon the balance of male and female principles.
Memorial to All We Lost on 9-11- 2001

Memorial to All We Lost on 9-11- 2001

crisis of human civilizationJane Sherry with Curtis Lang
In 1975 I lived in the financial district, two blocks from Wall Street near Trinity Church in an office building with a bathroom down the hall & a shower upstairs 6 flights. A group of artists moved into this commercial building with the landlord's blessing as long as we didn’t ask him for anything other than the right to live in what was a commercially zoned building, where we could watch the Twin Towers being built from our roof.
Psychic Self Defense

Psychic Self Defense

archangel michaelJane Sherry
Do you ever feel overly impacted by the emotional turmoil around you at home, work or out in the world? Or by the moods of your loved ones? Do you wonder if the emotions you are feeling sometimes aren't your own? Do you feel that sometimes when you walk into a room, that your energy changes to reflect whatever's going on around you? Empathy is the forerunner of compassion, and therefore a potentially very positive experience. However there is a danger involved in the empathic experience we should all understand.

Summer Solstice, Capricorn Full Moon, Cancer Solar Festival, June 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast

archangel urielCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry

Mystical, Glamorous Neptune in Pisces rules the stars this Solstice and Full Moon week; Creative energies abound; Full Moon in Capricorn triggers karmic payback for instigators of wars around the world! Outer planet aspects indicate an American Election season from Hell! 

Summer Solstice, Archangel Uriel and St. John's Day 2024

anthroposophyCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
This is a pivotal moment in the annual cycle of seasons, a time to initiate dramatic changes in your world. Where in your world is a revolution needed?

Sagittarius Full Moon, Gemini Solar Festival, Festival of Goodwill, May 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast

ascended mastersCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
In spite of dire events in many parts of the world, auspicious aspects abound during this jovial Full Moon, creating golden opportunities in many areas of life. Jupiter is working overtime this Full Moon, broadcasting beams of Higher Consciousness and encouraging you to follow your bliss. A triple conjunction of Sun, Jupiter and Venus signals golden opportunities for financial gains, joyful socializing, blossoming romantic encounters, and spiritual awakenings!
Celebrating the Festival of Goodwill

Celebrating the Festival of Goodwill

ascended mastersCurtis Lang
This year the Festival of Goodwill occurs at the time of the Full Moon in Sagittarius, on Thursday May 23, 2024, at 9:53 AM Eastern time. At that time, the incarnate and discarnate Guides and Teachers of all the Mystery Schools of the East and West join together to light the flame of unconditional love in the hearts of human beings, and to uncover a fountain of inner loving wisdom in the minds of all humanity.

Scorpio Full Moon, Wesak and Taurus Solar Festival 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast

9-11Curtis Lang and Jane Sherry

An incendiary T-Square in fixed signs creates potent energy for good or ill on Buddha's Birthday. May’s Taurus stellium promises a time of optimism, strength, visionary creativity, and easy access to inner spiritual guidance. An ideal moment for travels, near or far, that will broaden the mind, delight the senses, and open the heart to the beauty of the natural world.

Pentecost Sunday: Speaking in Tongues, Kundalini Awakening and the Zero Point Field

Pentecost Sunday: Speaking in Tongues, Kundalini Awakening and the Zero Point Field

ascension practicesCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
When the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles at Pentecost, they entered a higher state of consciousness, and traveled near and far, spreading their Teacher’s message of love fearlessly throughout the world. The Apostles healed many by prayer and the laying on of hands. The miraculous events of Pentecost bear a startling resemblance to the signs of enlightenment discussed for thousands of years in the ancient Hindu tradition of yoga.
Wesak: Buddha's Birthday & the Shamballa Gathering

Wesak: Buddha's Birthday & the Shamballa Gathering

ascended mastersCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
The passions of delusion are inexhaustible. I vow to extinguish them all at once. The number of beings is endless. I vow to help save them all. The Truth cannot be told. I vow to tell it. The Way which cannot be followed is unattainable. I vow to attain it.

Libra Full Moon Eclipse, Aries Solar Festival March 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast

Curtis Lang and Jane Sherry

Sweet Dreamy Vision Quest Full Moon and Scary Saturn/Mars Conjunction Followed by The Great American Eclipse — then Peak Great Financial Bubble as the Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction in Taurus Blows Our Minds and Triggers Alchemical Transformation!