Cosmic Weather Forecast
January 2007 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Many thanks to the Satya Center community for your support since our launch in November 2004. In 2007, astrologers predict that the seeds of future political, economic, religious and cultural transformations of epochal magnitude will be sown.
Gemini Solar Festival, Sagittarius Full Moon June 2015 Festival of Humanity Cosmic Weather Forecast
We all need a break from the Long Emergency. We are in a marathon run, not a sprint. There are no fast fixes to humanity's problems, only long-range solutions will be viable. So let us take the time this Full Moon to be gentle with ourselves and our loved ones.
The State of America's DisUnion
America is in a state of advanced political paralysis resembling national schizophrenia. Americans now reject the Iraq war for oil, and Bush's poll numbers have sunk to Nixonian levels but Americans seem willing to support a new oil war in Iran.
Mission Statement
The word satya in Sanskrit means "truth and Honesty". The word satya also implies a unity underlying the apparent conflict and duality of the material world.
The Unity between the Self and Source of creation.
The Unity of the Divine Lovers.
Thus satya implies both inner truth and Cosmic Consciousness.
Global Financial Meltdown October 2008 Newsletter
While the middle class has declined under President Bush's reckless economic policies, the people on top have never had it so good. For the first seven years of Bush's tenure, the wealthiest 400 individuals in our country saw a $670 billion increase in their wealth, and at the end of 2007 owned over $1.5 trillion in wealth. That is just 400 families, a $670 billion increase in wealth since Bush has been in office.
Winter Solstice 2010: The Gabriel Initiation
In the Western Mystery School Tradition, the Winter Solstice is traditionally the time when the initiate strives most intensely to attain the Gabriel initiation, which comprises the inner nativity, the birth of the Higher Mind and the Higher Self, the moment when the Inner Christ manifests to us offering us at least a transitory glimpse of Higher Worlds.
Wesak Full Moon Festival 2007 Newsletter
“The Wesak Festival takes place whilst some great and heavenly event is going on, and it is in the nature of a participating ceremony,” says Alice Bailey. "There is release upon Earth (according to the measure of man's demand) of the blessing of God Himself, transmitted through the Buddha and His Brother, the Christ.”