Cosmic Weather Forecast

Full Moon in Capricorn, Cancer Solar Festival 2016
July’s Cosmic Weather patterns provide discernible evidence of celestial grace and some welcome relief from the worst effects of uber-warrior Mars in Scorpio inconjunct Uranus in combustible Aries, which, combined with a persistent Mutable Cross and T-square, have turned the last few months into a mutant merry-go-round of non-stop bad news.

March 2017 Full Moon Cosmic Weather Forecast: Spiritual Activism and the New American Cold Civil War
For a variety of reasons we shall explore together, this Full Moon weekend is the ideal time to meditate upon the path of spiritual activism and political action as selfless service.
Summer Solstice 2008
We’ve been deluged by reports of people who are stressed out, overworked, worried about money, hit with health challenges, being plunged into a transformational cauldron, and feeling overheated by it all! So it’s up to each one of us to set aside anger, fear and worry and to join together in a festival of community and community healing.
Full Moon in Capricorn July 2008 Cosmic Weather Forecast
This newsletter is devoted to news of recent world developments that are of great concern to us all. Be sure to read through the entire article if you can, because there is a message of hope at the end!
Spring Equinox 2009: The Decade of Global Transformation and the New American Evolution
In this newsletter, using research compiled over the last two years from honest and reliable financial experts, environmentalists, independent journalists and famous astrologers, I will give you a bird’s eye view of the current global financial crisis, provide you with a clear outline of its scope, depth and probable duration, and together we will take a look at the BIG picture – the cultural, political, economic, social and environmental changes set to totally transform human civilization during the next decade.
The Grand Cardinal Cross of Summer 2010
On an individual level, and on a global scale, the current global crises, reflected in the stars by the Grand Cardinal Cross of Summer 2010, challenge us to transcend our conflicts with others and to find ways to work together for our mutual benefit and for the overall good of humanity.
Full Moon in Scorpio April 2013 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Our challenge this Full Moon Festival is to overcome fear, take courageous risks to advance the onset of the Forces of Light and Love, patiently endure the frustrations of a time when oppositions create a kind of Cosmic gridlock in the stars, and meditate deeply upon matters of human death and transformation. This can lead to empowerment.
Autumn Equinox 2013 Cosmic Weather Forecast
This month the Grand Cardinal Cross re-forms in the sky, activating global financial, geo-strategic and environmental crises. The Washington debt crisis. The Syrian crisis. The Fukushima crisis. It's time to ask for discernment, vision, strength and courage, and to send love and light to all involved!
Autumn Equinox Super Blood Moon Eclipse & Michaelmas 2015 Cosmic Weather Forecast
The good news is that the worst of the Grand Cardinal Cross aspects are behind us. Although the full effects of this seven year period of global turbulence will take several more years to manifest, this Libra Solar Festival weekend marks a new beginning, an opportunity to tune in to our Inner Spiritual Guidance and ask for the wisdom we require to forge new priorities and creative new ways of living that are more in tune with our needs during the current crisis of 21st Century civilization.
Full Moon in Leo, Aquarius Solar Festival 2016
It's a best of times, worst of times Full Moon. The Neptune-Uranus square will dominate the Cosmic Weather patterns of 2016, so immense discernment is required to avoid being manipulated or simply making uninformed choices that will be detrimental to us and all those with whom we are related.
Full Moon in Virgo, Pisces Solar Festival 2016
The conjunction of Moon, Jupiter and North Node in Virgo during this Full Moon Festival indicates that each of us can utilize the ambient cosmic energies of this highly charged moment to crystallize a long-range vision of our futures that will truly exemplify the best and highest good of all life forms on Planet Earth. We have a favorable atmosphere for all spiritual practices, for dreaming, for art, for focused relaxation, creative visualization, and enjoyment of all that soothes body, mind, heart and soul. So chillax! But don't overdo.

Summer Solstice Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius, Gemini Solar Festival 2016
The now-infamous Grand Mutable Cross forms and re-forms this month, perfecting this Sunday, June 19, and regressing into a potent T-Square on June 25. There is a fog of confusion, paranoia, anger, recrimination, and ego-inflation blanketing the collective consciousness. We are in the no-man’s land between one age and another. The way forward is uncharted. There are no gps systems that provide co-ordinates for the unfolding new world that will emerge in the new age to come. If anyone approaches you with a treasure map or some other deal that seems too good to be true, rest assured, it is!