Indian Curried Chick Peas on Quinoa with Holy Basil, Brussels Sprouts in Ghee with Maple Syrup and Toasted Walnuts, Creamed Red Swiss Chard, Jicama, Fennel and Apple Salad

Indian Curried Chick Peas on Quinoa with Holy Basil, Brussels Sprouts in Ghee with Maple Syrup and Toasted Walnuts, Creamed Red Swiss Chard, Jicama, Fennel and Apple Salad

foods for healingJane Sherry
Black Mustard Seed, Cumin Seed, Asofoetida, Ajowain, Star Anise Seed, Cinnamon Stick, and whole Nutmeg
The Lazy Gardener's Spring Cilantro Pumpkin Seed Pesto

The Lazy Gardener's Spring Cilantro Pumpkin Seed Pesto

foods for healingJane Sherry
I am such a lazy gardener that I had the good fortune this spring to discover a veritable emerald forest of 'volunteer' young cilantro seedlings in the vegetable bed! Upon this serendipitous discovery I created a delicious way to make use of this delicious, nutritious & fragrant herb.

Anti-Radiation Salad Medley or Seaweed & Green Salad

cancer - tools for healingJane Sherry
Why not build up your immune system, eat delicious food & escort potential radiation exposure out of your system at the same time! Try this easy way to eat your seaweed & your greens too! Just add a cup of nettles & red clover tea with this meal & you'll double your benefits in protecting your health after exposure to radiation or to prepare your immune system for whatever the future may hold.
Anti Radiation Main Course Meal of Tofu, Sweet Potato & Collards over Brown Rice

Anti Radiation Main Course Meal of Tofu, Sweet Potato & Collards over Brown Rice

foods for healingJane Sherry
Japanese researchers studied survivors of the atomic blast in Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Russian researchers after Chernobyl found miso & soy products such as tofu, and with seaweed, specifically kombu or kelp were effective in escorting radiation out of the body. Read More

Stocking Your Cupboard in the Nuclear Age

cancer - tools for healingJane Sherry
We are charged with the Soul task of being good stewards for the earth & for ourselves & one another. Here are some things you can do to prepare for living on our Mother Earth in the nuclear age.

Jane's Lammas 2022 Garden Report- We Honor Our Mother and Her Harvest

cross-quarter-daysJane Sherry
Mother, today we celebrate the unity of the human family. Mother, we ask your forgiveness, for our destructive ways. Mother,we seek today to learn to forgive one another. Help us, Mother, to learn to love you as the old ones loved you, so that we may heal ourselves and our environment.

Salad Vinaigrette

foods for healingJane Sherry
Learn to dress a salad, make a marinade with oil and vinegar or lemon. An easy way to make vegetables & salads come alive with health and flavor.

Saffron Brown Rice with Carrots

ayurvedaJane Sherry
Serve this dish as a main course or side dish. According to Ayurveda, saffron has wonderful healing qualities for all body types especially as a “blood revitalizer”.

Wheat Berry Veggie Burgers

foods for healingJane Sherry
Veggie Burgers are a satisfying way to have your whole grains satisfy both your appetite and a desire to seek real nourishing vitamin and mineral rich whole foods.

Summer 2004: Jane's Garden Report

biodynamic farming and gardeningJane Sherry
This garden is our cathedral, where we pause to reflect upon the inter-relations between earthly life and spiritual realms, and to continuously express our gratitude for the abundance of beauty in our lives.

October 2006 Halloween Autumn Festival Newsletter

biodynamic farming and gardeningJane Sherry & Curtis Lang
This is the season of Scorpionic holidays, celebrating the time of yearly transformation when the veil between the worlds thins and all things normally repressed or hidden from sight erupt into the everyday world. Scorpio traditionally rules the process of transformation, and the evolutionary processes of death and rebirth.