Farming in the Age of Expensive Oil

crisis of human civilizationJean Paul Courtens
In this country farmers have to be over 80 years old to remember low-input, diversified farming systems. An organic farmer aks: who will have the knowledge to grow our food in the age of expensive oil, with no fertilizers and pesticides?

Why Do I Farm Organically?

anthroposophyJean Paul Courtens
I like to take walks on the farm and during each walk I find something I had not noticed before. In the winter, I spend time visualizing what the fields of the farm will look like in the next season, and I know that this practice contributes greatly to the success of a particular season.

Organic Production Works

crisis of human civilizationRhea Gala
A new study shows organic production outperforms conventional in crop yield, soil fertility, pest reduction and economic return.

A Day in the Life

organic farming/gardeningJean Paul Courtens
Read about a real time day in the life of two farmers who bring food grown with love to 850 families in New York.

The Roxbury Farm CSA Story

anthroposophyJean Paul Courtens
Read about the origins of community sponsored agriculture.