Winter Solstice Triple Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction 2020 Cosmic Weather Forecast

Winter Solstice Triple Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction 2020 Cosmic Weather Forecast

age of aquariusCurtis Lang
The Grand Conjunction in Aquarius ushers in a new 20 year cycle of Aquarian outer planet energy and a 200 year supercycle
August 2020 Aquarius Full Moon Leo Solar Festival Cosmic Weather Forecast

August 2020 Aquarius Full Moon Leo Solar Festival Cosmic Weather Forecast

Uranus/Sun/Moon Fixed T-square. Mars/Pluto square. Mars/Saturn square. Prolific Perseid Meteor Showers.
June 2020 Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse, Gemini Solar Festival, Summer Solstice  Cosmic Weather Forecast

June 2020 Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse, Gemini Solar Festival, Summer Solstice  Cosmic Weather Forecast

archangel urielCurtis Lang with Jane Sherry
The Cosmic Weather Forecast for June calls for continued intermittent emotional outbursts of frustrated Mars energy punctuated by flashes of intuitive Mercurial insight, culminating in a reprise of the heavy, threatening Plutonic pandemic energies encountered in April at the height of the global Coronavirus outbreak. We may all [once again] feel a little like Persephone when she was abducted by Pluto and taken to the Underworld.
Satya Center May 2019 State of the World Update

Satya Center May 2019 State of the World Update

anthropocene ageCurtis Lang

Tuning Into Good News, Inspired by Our Collective Power,
We Take Action to Save Our Planet! Global Public Opinion Reaches Tipping Point, Students and Protestors Around the World Demand Governments Tell The Truth About Climate Change and Act Now!

Full Moon in Capricorn, Cancer Solar Festival 2016

Full Moon in Capricorn, Cancer Solar Festival 2016

astrological forecastsCurtis Lang with Jane Sherry
July’s Cosmic Weather patterns provide discernible evidence of celestial grace and some welcome relief from the worst effects of uber-warrior Mars in Scorpio inconjunct Uranus in combustible Aries, which, combined with a persistent Mutable Cross and T-square, have turned the last few months into a mutant merry-go-round of non-stop bad news.
Super Blue Leo Blood Moon Eclipse  January 2018 Cosmic Weather Forecast

Super Blue Leo Blood Moon Eclipse January 2018 Cosmic Weather Forecast

age of aquariusCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
The last time we saw a Super Blue Blood Moon was way back in 1866. If you live on the West Coast of the United States this is your chance to view this cosmic weather event firsthand.
Full SuperMoon in Aries, Libra Solar Festival 2016, Satya Center Cosmic Weather Forecast

Full SuperMoon in Aries, Libra Solar Festival 2016, Satya Center Cosmic Weather Forecast

ariesCurtis Lang with Jane Sherry
This weekend, the Harvest Moon occurs in Aries, the sign of the individualist, and coincides with the Libra Solar Festival, celebrating life lived in relationship, along with community values. The challenge for each of us at this sacred time of year, when seasons shift, is to balance the needs of the individual and of the community.
Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces, Virgo Solar Festival 2016

Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces, Virgo Solar Festival 2016

archangel michaelCurtis Lang with Jane Sherry
This Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces square Mars in Sagittarius provides energetic support for the Piscean Christ consciousness residing within each one of us. This Full Moon feeds our courage, enhances our inner spiritual strength and offers us access to creative outlets for our desire to transcend the dying social strategies that threaten to strangle new ways of life in their cradle.
The Dark Night of the Planetary Soul

The Dark Night of the Planetary Soul

age of aquariusCurtis Lang
The world is in labor, about to birth a new planetary consciousness. Will this consciousness reflect our worst nightmares or our highest aspirations? The choice is ours.

Easter 2007 Newsletter: Honoring the Divine Mother

archangel raphaelCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
Something Divine seeks to restore equilibrium between humanity and the natural environment. Something Divine seeks to bring peace to the warring classes of humanity. Something so sacred, so subtle, yet so powerful that in its global balancing act it is both disruptive & healing at the same time. This subtle energy is the energy of rebirth, the prelude to the restoration of the Dominion of the Divine Lovers -- it is the Sacred Emergence of the Divine Feminine.

The New New Deal: Learning the Lessons of Katrina

crisis of human civilizationCurtis Lang
It is time for a New New Deal. The disaster in New Orleans is so immense that only a co-ordinated, co-operative national response is adequate to the occasion. Nothing less than a total re-orientation of our society and our way of life will do.

July 2007 Satya Center Newsletter: On The Cusp of Global Transformation

astrological forecastsCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
Feeling down, helpless, and overwhelmed? The stars say that's about to end. Read all about it. This week’s newsletter also includes stories from around the web featuring the first hints of the positive, revolutionary changes coming in the next decades.