Cosmic Weather Forecast
Sagittarius Full Moon, Gemini Solar Festival, Festival of Goodwill, May 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast
In spite of dire events in many parts of the world, auspicious aspects abound during this jovial Full Moon, creating golden opportunities in many areas of life. Jupiter is working overtime this Full Moon, broadcasting beams of Higher Consciousness and encouraging you to follow your bliss. A triple conjunction of Sun, Jupiter and Venus signals golden opportunities for financial gains, joyful socializing, blossoming romantic encounters, and spiritual awakenings!

Celebrating the Festival of Goodwill
This year the Festival of Goodwill occurs at the time of the Full Moon in Sagittarius, on Thursday May 23, 2024, at 9:53 AM Eastern time. At that time, the incarnate and discarnate Guides and Teachers of all the Mystery Schools of the East and West join together to light the flame of unconditional love in the hearts of human beings, and to uncover a fountain of inner loving wisdom in the minds of all humanity.

Full Moon in Sagittarius, Gemini Solar Festival, June 2023 Cosmic Weather Forecast
This Full Moon a Mutable T-Square Tilt-A-Whirl could disrupt the Venus-Neptune Water Trine's mellow flow, but a Uranus-Mercury Conjunction offers intuitive guidance that restores your dynamic balance as the Planetary Festival of Goodwill brings new insights and opens new doors for us all.
Sagittarius Full Super Moon, Gemini Solar Festival of Goodwill Summer Solstice June 2022 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Flashing warning lights fill the Cosmic Weather Forecast Dashboard this week! Energetic Tilt-A-Whirl Alert! Prepare for Incoming Intuitive Guidance!

June 2020 Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse, Gemini Solar Festival, Summer Solstice Cosmic Weather Forecast
The Cosmic Weather Forecast for June calls for continued intermittent emotional outbursts of frustrated Mars energy punctuated by flashes of intuitive Mercurial insight, culminating in a reprise of the heavy, threatening Plutonic pandemic energies encountered in April at the height of the global Coronavirus outbreak. We may all [once again] feel a little like Persephone when she was abducted by Pluto and taken to the Underworld.