Cosmic Weather Forecast
Full Pisces Super Moon Lunar Eclipse, Virgo Solar Festival, Autumn Equinox 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Pisces Moon Conjunct Neptune, Sextile Uranus, Square Jupiter creates a perfect moment for dramatic positive change and self-transformation! Less than a week later, we celebrate the Autumnal Equinox, a time for reflection, relationship, and the creation of a new dynamic balance in our lives!
Autumn Equinox: The Archangel Michael Meditation
It's Time to Surround Yourself with the Electric Blue Flame of Archangel Michael! This year, 2024, the Autumnal Equinox occurs on September 22 at 8:43 AM Eastern time. Archangel Michael, who presides over the fall season, is the patron and protector of all those seeking protection, purification, and release from karmic burdens. Michael is always available to help us overcome fear, doubt, and negative emotions and thought-forms from our lives. Michael and his legions of guardian angels wield the electric blue flame of karmic liberation.

Psychic Self Defense
Do you ever feel overly impacted by the emotional turmoil around you at home, work or out in the world? Or by the moods of your loved ones? Do you wonder if the emotions you are feeling sometimes aren't your own? Do you feel that sometimes when you walk into a room, that your energy changes to reflect whatever's going on around you? Empathy is the forerunner of compassion, and therefore a potentially very positive experience. However there is a danger involved in the empathic experience we should all understand.

Pisces Full Harvest Moon, Virgo Solar Festival, Autumn Equinox & Michaelmas 2022 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Mutable T-Square Puts Us on Cosmic Tilt-A-Whirl; Environmental Catastrophe in Pakistan; Global Dystopian Techno-Feudalism in China and US; Surround Yourself with Cleansing Karma Clearing Blue Flame in Our Archangel Michael Meditation

Autumn Equinox, Pisces Full Moon, Virgo Solar Festival 2021 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Jupiter Trine Mercury @ Pisces Full Moon = Consciousness Expansion; Outer Planets Move Forward in October

Libra Festivals: Michaelmas, Rosh Hashanah, & Navratri
The Libra interval provides us all with a marvelous opportunity to honor the varied ways that different cultures and religious traditions mark the autumnal turning point in our yearly seasonal cycles.

Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces, Virgo Solar Festival 2016
This Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces square Mars in Sagittarius provides energetic support for the Piscean Christ consciousness residing within each one of us. This Full Moon feeds our courage, enhances our inner spiritual strength and offers us access to creative outlets for our desire to transcend the dying social strategies that threaten to strangle new ways of life in their cradle.
Autumn Equinox 2013 Cosmic Weather Forecast
This month the Grand Cardinal Cross re-forms in the sky, activating global financial, geo-strategic and environmental crises. The Washington debt crisis. The Syrian crisis. The Fukushima crisis. It's time to ask for discernment, vision, strength and courage, and to send love and light to all involved!
Autumn Equinox Super Blood Moon Eclipse & Michaelmas 2015 Cosmic Weather Forecast
The good news is that the worst of the Grand Cardinal Cross aspects are behind us. Although the full effects of this seven year period of global turbulence will take several more years to manifest, this Libra Solar Festival weekend marks a new beginning, an opportunity to tune in to our Inner Spiritual Guidance and ask for the wisdom we require to forge new priorities and creative new ways of living that are more in tune with our needs during the current crisis of 21st Century civilization.
July 2015 Leo Solar Festival, Aquarius Blue Moon Cosmic Weather Forecast
This week’s starscape offers tremendous support for all efforts designed to strengthen our self-esteem, to bolster our healthy feelings of Self-love, and to confront and release recurring patterns of failed relationships that have caused us pain and suffering time and time again in our lives.
October 2011 Cosmic Weather Forecast: A New American Revolution?
This Full Moon our spiritual community, both incarnate and discarnate, bolsters our self-assurance in a time of troubles, when it appears that we can no longer depend upon existing social structures to provide for our financial well-being, our personal security, our health and the health of our communities.
Autumn Equinox 2008: The Sword and the Balance
The Autumn Equinox is a Festival of the Divine Lovers, celebrating their sacred marriage and the establishment of a New Age civilization based upon the balance of male and female principles in a Union designed to serve the needs of the family, the greater community, and Mother Earth herself.