Cosmic Weather Forecast

Winter Solstice Gabriel Initiation: The Vision of the Inner Sun
Gabriel is the Archangel of Winter, known as the Messenger of the Lord. As Messenger of the Lord, Gabriel is the Archangel of Vision, because he brings illumination and revelation and inspires intuitive creativity. We are pleased to offer you these instructions for obtaining “The Gabriel Initiation", a simplified version of an ancient technique that was originally offered only to advanced students of the Western Mystery School traditions.
Thanksgiving 2023, Gemini Full Moon, Sagittarius Solar Festival Cosmic Weather Forecast
Best of times, worst of times scenario. Combustible Mars aspect coincided with escalation of Israel-Hamas war, peaks at Full Moon in fun loving Gemini. The next incendiary Mars aspect ignites more or less simultaneously. As Christmas nears, the desire for peace in Ukraine and Gaza grows worldwide. Fortunately, we can also look forward to some uplifting, funtime astrological aspects through Christmas.

Winter Solstice Poem
A paean to peace on the Winter Solstice, the first day of winter. A time to reflect upon the year behind and the year ahead. Read this poem by one of the Satya Center founders in honor of moving through the wheel of the year and the wheel of one's life.

Full Moon in Cancer, Capricorn Solar Festival, Epiphany 2021 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Epiphanies, Confrontations & Echoes of Pre-Renaissance Europe in the 2020s

Winter Solstice Triple Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction 2020 Cosmic Weather Forecast
The Grand Conjunction in Aquarius ushers in a new 20 year cycle of Aquarian outer planet energy and a 200 year supercycle

Holy Merry Days & Nights 2018!
Wishing You and Yours a Shining Holiday Season! Merry Christmas, Sunny Solstice, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwaanza, Happy Saturnalia & A Healthy, Happy New Year! With Love & Light from Curtis & Jane!

Full Moon in Gemini, Sagittarius Solar Festival 2016 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Meditation practices and visualizations can produce visionary breakthroughs in all areas of life, as long as we exercise the power of discernment to separate inner spiritual guidance from wishful thinking, paranoia, and collective illusions and delusions.
Winter Solstice 2012 & Gemini Full Moon Eclipse Cosmic Weather Forecast
Winter Solstice 2012: Happy New Cosmic Year!Happy Hanukkah, Super Saturnalia and Sunny Solstice to YOU! Happy New Mayan Super-Cycle! This Solstice we celebrate a new 26,000 year long Cosmic Age!
Gemini Full Moon, Sagittarius Solar Festival, Winter Solstice, Hanukkah and Christmas 2014
This Mercurial Full Moon in Gemini will be in a harmonious trine to Mars, which entered the Air sign of Aquarius on December 4, 2014, and the combination should create a powerful vortex of transpersonal mental activity that will sharpen the intellectual faculties, provide easier access to Higher Mind, and spark a strong increase in spontaneous sharing, amplifying Holiday feelings of community.
Gemini Full Moon, Winter Solstice, & Christmas 2013 Cosmic Weather Forecast
This Christmas season is full of challenging astrological aspects that have provoked a chorus of dismay from astrologers around the world, and we here at Satya Center are providing our readers with a treasure trove of Wisdom teachings and Solstice and Christmas meditations to help you cope with the Cosmic cross-currents we are encountering in every area of life!
December 2011 Cosmic Weather Forecast
An extremely rare Full Moon Total Lunar Selenelion Eclipse marks this as a time of dying dreams and simultaneously as a time when new visions for humanity's future are incubating within the collective consciousness of humanity.
Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year in 2014!!
Wishing You All a Joyous, Safe, Prosperous & Inspired Holiday Season in 2012 & Peace in the New Year! May a new Cycle Begin in Love & Peace & Joy!