Cosmic Weather Forecast

Winter Solstice Gabriel Initiation: The Vision of the Inner Sun
Gabriel is the Archangel of Winter, known as the Messenger of the Lord. As Messenger of the Lord, Gabriel is the Archangel of Vision, because he brings illumination and revelation and inspires intuitive creativity. We are pleased to offer you these instructions for obtaining “The Gabriel Initiation", a simplified version of an ancient technique that was originally offered only to advanced students of the Western Mystery School traditions.

Eastertide: Uniting with the Cosmic Christ - Honoring the Divine Mother
At the moment of his Death, Christ unified his own Body of Light with the etheric body of the planet, permanently infusing the energy of the Cosmic Christ Self into the Earth’s aura. This Easter, by communing with Nature, we can Unify with the energy stream of the Risen Cosmic Christ.

Tarot: Yoga of the West
The Tarot is the Yoga of the West, a system for obtaining personal enlightenment, visualizing future probabilities, and changing our inner reality to create more positive outcomes in life.

Capricorn Full Thunder Super Moon, Cancer Solar Festival July 2022 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Fasten your seat belts! Full Moon-Pluto Conjunction Madness! Global Financial Crisis Dead Ahead!

Pisces Full Moon, Virgo Solar Festival September 2017 Cosmic Weather Forecast
This Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune, in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, the water element predominates in the physical, astral and mental realms of being. Boundaries and structures are dissolving, in inner and outer worlds, and we are challenged by a turbo-charged emotional atmosphere in which even the most stolid experience trans-personal, empathic connections that call forth a heart-centered response to the suffering we see around us.
June 2011 Cosmic Weather Forecast: Solstice Joy, Pentecost Spirit, and a July Cross to Come
Meditate upon the fact that you as an individual, in co-operation with other like-minded individuals, can work together to bring about a total transformation of the social vessel which currently carries you across the ocean of life. The first step is to join together, make the commitment to change, and raise the flag of peace, love and understanding.

Full Moon in Libra, Aries Solar Festival 2012 Easter & Passover Cosmic Weather Forecast
At the time of this Libra Full Moon Aries Solar Festival, we celebrate the blending of the energies of Aries and Libra. Esoterically, Aries represents the egoistic personality, and Libra the Cosmic Equilibrium of the Higher Self.
Full Moon in Taurus, Scorpio Solar Festival 2015 Cosmic Weather Forecast – Satya Center is Moving to Florida!
It is up to us who are aware of the Truth of humanity’s current situation to dream the big, healing dreams that can motivate us to transform our lives, heal our relationships, and participate in the regeneration of human civilization in the 21st Century.

September 2011 Cosmic Weather Forecast: Traveling Between Two Worlds
We are now being given the opportunity to achieve greater awareness through self-transformation. The Universe is gently bringing us face to face with our control issues, our fears, our anger, and our other "sore spots" so we can relinquish our identification with these bad habits, which are not part of our essential nature in any way.
Taurus Full Moon, Scorpio Solar Festival 2014 Cosmic Weather Forecast
The Full Moon in Taurus is traditionally a lovers’ moon, perfect for romance, which combines the emotional, sexy watery nature of Scorpio with the earthy sensuality of Taurus.
Scorpio Solar Festival, Taurus Full Moon & Thanksgiving 2013 Cosmic Weather Forecast
The Full Moon in Taurus is traditionally a lovers’ moon, perfect for romance, which combines the emotional, sexy watery nature of Scorpio with the earthy sensuality of Taurus.
April 2011 Libra Full Moon Cosmic Weather Forecast -- Happy Easter and Passover!
Feeling stressed? You're not alone. The Sun, Uranus, Mars, Mercury retrograde and Jupiter are all in Aries, opposed by the Moon and Saturn retrograde in Libra. All these planets are part of a T-Square formation which features Pluto retrograde in Capricorn as the linchpin.
On the plus side, the Full Moon trines Neptune in Pisces and Chiron, providing a highly charged spiritual current of healing and inner transformation, which is quite likely to manifest as a stream of meaningful synchronistic events that act as guideposts for us during this time of stress, when we most lack clarity. These synchronicities will open up new doorways for us, providing us with golden opportunities for accelerated spiritual advancement.