Scorpio Full Moon, Wesak and Taurus Solar Festival 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast

Scorpio Full Moon, Wesak and Taurus Solar Festival 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast

9-11Curtis Lang and Jane Sherry

An incendiary T-Square in fixed signs creates potent energy for good or ill on Buddha's Birthday. May’s Taurus stellium promises a time of optimism, strength, visionary creativity, and easy access to inner spiritual guidance. An ideal moment for travels, near or far, that will broaden the mind, delight the senses, and open the heart to the beauty of the natural world.

The Resurrection - painting by Perugino (Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci)

Eastertide: Uniting with the Cosmic Christ - Honoring the Divine Mother

christ consciousnessCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
At the moment of his Death, Christ unified his own Body of Light with the etheric body of the planet, permanently infusing the energy of the Cosmic Christ Self into the Earth’s aura. This Easter, by communing with Nature, we can Unify with the energy stream of the Risen Cosmic Christ.
Spring Equinox Mysteries and History

Spring Equinox Mysteries and History

age of aquariusCurtis Lang with Jane Sherry
We celebrate the triumph of love, life and light over darkness and death at the start of the Astrological New Year, on the Vernal Equinox. This is a time of equal day and equal night, and in the Aquarian Age the Spring Equinox is a celebration of the Divine Lovers.
Spring Equinox: The Archangel Raphael Meditation

Spring Equinox: The Archangel Raphael Meditation

archangel raphaelCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
Archangel Raphael reigns over spring. Raphael commands a myriad of spirits who work on the regeneration and growth of vegetation. So at the beginning of spring establish a bond with the Archangel Raphael. Ask him to make you receptive to the virtues hidden in trees, grasses and flowers, so that this new life penetrates you as well.
Archangel Gabriel by Fra Angelico

Winter Solstice Gabriel Initiation: The Vision of the Inner Sun

anthroposophyCurtis Lang with Jane Sherry
Gabriel is the Archangel of Winter, known as the Messenger of the Lord. As Messenger of the Lord, Gabriel is the Archangel of Vision, because he brings illumination and revelation and inspires intuitive creativity. We are pleased to offer you these instructions for obtaining “The Gabriel Initiation", a simplified version of an ancient technique that was originally offered only to advanced students of the Western Mystery School traditions.
Great Pyramid and Sphinx, Photo by Kévin et Laurianne Langlais on Unsplash

Full Moon in Sagittarius, Gemini Solar Festival, June 2023 Cosmic Weather Forecast

ascended mastersCurtis Lang
This Full Moon a Mutable T-Square Tilt-A-Whirl could disrupt the Venus-Neptune Water Trine's mellow flow, but a Uranus-Mercury Conjunction offers intuitive guidance that restores your dynamic balance as the Planetary Festival of Goodwill brings new insights and opens new doors for us all.
Celebrating the Festival of Goodwill

Celebrating the Festival of Goodwill

ascended mastersCurtis Lang
This year the Festival of Goodwill occurs at the time of the Full Moon in Sagittarius, on Saturday June 3, 2023, at 11:42 PM Eastern time. At that time, the incarnate and discarnate Guides and Teachers of all the Mystery Schools of the East and West join together to light the flame of unconditional love in the hearts of human beings, and to arouse a fountain of inner loving wisdom in the minds of all humanity.
Autumn Equinox: The Archangel Michael Meditation

Autumn Equinox: The Archangel Michael Meditation

alchemyCurtis Lang
It's Time to Surround Yourself with the Electric Blue Light of Archangel Michael This year, 2023, the Autumnal Equinox occurs on September 23 at 2...
Sagittarius Full Super Moon,  Gemini Solar Festival of Goodwill Summer Solstice June 2022 Cosmic Weather Forecast

Sagittarius Full Super Moon,  Gemini Solar Festival of Goodwill Summer Solstice June 2022 Cosmic Weather Forecast

anthropocene ageCurtis Lang
Flashing warning lights fill the Cosmic Weather Forecast Dashboard this week! Energetic Tilt-A-Whirl Alert! Prepare for Incoming Intuitive Guidance!
Libra Pink Full Moon, Aries Solar, Festival Passover and Easter 2022 Cosmic Weather Forecast

Libra Pink Full Moon, Aries Solar, Festival Passover and Easter 2022 Cosmic Weather Forecast

age of piscesCurtis Lang
America's Pluto Return Triggers Existential Angst As Russian Invasion of Ukraine Enters Phase Two
Autumn Equinox: The Archangel Michael Meditation

Autumn Equinox: The Archangel Michael Meditation

archangel michaelCurtis Lang
It's fall! Now it is time to clear negative karma we have with significant others.
April 2020 Full Pink Libra Supermoon, Aries Solar Festival Cosmic Weather Forecast

April 2020 Full Pink Libra Supermoon, Aries Solar Festival Cosmic Weather Forecast

agricultureCurtis Lang
Meditation Practices for Easter: Protection During the Pandemic and Uniting with the Cosmic Christ; Honoring the Divine Mother