Cosmic Weather Forecast
Full Moon Eclipse in Libra, Aries Solar Festival 2016
This month’s Cosmic Weather patterns are dominated by a long-standing mutable T-square which is entering its three month peak March 23, and persisting through June 29, 2016. Celebrate Easter, Spring Equinox and Holi by joining us in meditations outlined in this newsletter.
Cancer Solar Festival, Capricorn Full Moon July 2015 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Summer Solstice is the time for the community to rejoice in the many gifts of the Great Mother, in her myriad manifestations of Female Power, Nurturer and Creatrix. Now is the time to celebrate the heightened sense of energy all around, the success of the spring planting and the joy of new love. Now the entire community rejoices in the commitment to an abundant future expressed in new marriages, ripening corn and wheat in the field, tomatoes forming on the vine and the seasonal sharing of the first ruby red strawberries.
Gemini Full Moon, Sagittarius Solar Festival, Winter Solstice, Hanukkah and Christmas 2014
This Mercurial Full Moon in Gemini will be in a harmonious trine to Mars, which entered the Air sign of Aquarius on December 4, 2014, and the combination should create a powerful vortex of transpersonal mental activity that will sharpen the intellectual faculties, provide easier access to Higher Mind, and spark a strong increase in spontaneous sharing, amplifying Holiday feelings of community.
Gemini Full Moon, Winter Solstice, & Christmas 2013 Cosmic Weather Forecast
This Christmas season is full of challenging astrological aspects that have provoked a chorus of dismay from astrologers around the world, and we here at Satya Center are providing our readers with a treasure trove of Wisdom teachings and Solstice and Christmas meditations to help you cope with the Cosmic cross-currents we are encountering in every area of life!
June 2012 Cosmic Weather Forecast Part I: Stellar Fireworks Display!
This month the sky is filled with signs and portents of earth-shaking change, some hopeful, some ominous, and the energy streaming in to us from the Cosmos is so powerful that our very physical vessels are challenged to maintain equilibrium. The task of humanity is to step forward into the Light with courage. The courageous are not necessarily fearless at all. The courageous are those who follow their Higher Purpose despite their fear!
August 2012 Aquarius Full Moon Lammas Cosmic Weather Forecast: Increasing Global Tensions with Intervals of Inspired Meditation
Our task as a species is to become increasingly aware of our part in the web of life on Earth so that we can become conscious co-creators of a new Anthropocene civilization that will reverse human-created global warming, and invent sustainable human societies that live in harmony and balance with the Earth. This is a good week to meditate upon this epochal transition and how we can do our part to usher in the new.
Spring Equinox 2013
Western Astrologers celebrate the start of a New Year today. For those of us who would like a fresh start in our lives, the Equinox offers us an opportunity to connect with the Universal Life Force which is now moving powerfully within the plant kingdom and which is now beginning to manifest throughout all the elements of Nature, accessible to us through water, earth, fire and water.
Easter and Passover Aries Solar Festival, & Libra Full Moon 2015
This week we celebrate the annual victory of the Sun during springtime festivities, and this supports our efforts to prepare ourselves for a new cycle of spiritual growth. In fact taking some quiet time to restore ourselves by working on our own spiritual practice, whatever that may be, is the perfect antidote to the inflammatory, hyper-emotional energy stream that has dominated this year and last.
Spring Festival of Humanity 2009 -- Full Moon in Sagittarius
During Sunday’s Festival of Humanity, the love of Christ and the wisdom of the Buddha are showered down upon the Earth. Spiritual disciples of all paths and lineages and religions around the world receive inspiration and instructions concerning their roles and duties for the upcoming year.
Candlemas 2007 Newsletter
Today is Candlemas, the Feast of Imbolc, the Celebration of the Solar Festival of Aquarius and the Full Moon is in Leo. With Saturn retrograde and opposing Neptune, we need extra patience, strength and tranquility.

All Fool's Day: Love and Cosmic Unity
In Rome, April 1 was the date of the Festival of Veneralia, dedicated to Venus, goddess of love, death, orchards, waters and sexuality. Women washed a statue or image of Venus in rivers and lakes, adorned her with precious jewels and long robes, then burned incense in honor of the Goddess.
Pisces Solar Festival, Virgo Full Moon & Spring Equinox 2015 Cosmic Weather Forecast
March is the month most suited to begin a process of healing. For this is the month Archangel Raphael’s presence appears on planet Earth, and Raphael is above all the Archangel of healing. So this full moon is the ideal time to connect with Archangel Raphael and to seek healing.