Cosmic Weather Forecast
Full Moon in Gemini, Sagittarius Solar Festival 2016 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Meditation practices and visualizations can produce visionary breakthroughs in all areas of life, as long as we exercise the power of discernment to separate inner spiritual guidance from wishful thinking, paranoia, and collective illusions and delusions.
Full Super Moon in Taurus, Scorpio Solar Festival 2016
Generally speaking, human beings prefer not to change. Those of us who have a developed spiritual practice are well aware that the challenges and setbacks in life are the opportunities we need to transform our worst personality-based life patterns into more positive behavior. Be the change you want to see in the world.
Full SuperMoon in Aries, Libra Solar Festival 2016, Satya Center Cosmic Weather Forecast
This weekend, the Harvest Moon occurs in Aries, the sign of the individualist, and coincides with the Libra Solar Festival, celebrating life lived in relationship, along with community values. The challenge for each of us at this sacred time of year, when seasons shift, is to balance the needs of the individual and of the community.