Cosmic Weather Forecast

Reviewing the God Theory - Subtle Energy and The Cosmic Field of Fields
The Divine Plan is for the Absolute Energy beyond time and space to come to know itself fully by creatively individuating itself in a myriad of forms evolving over time within the framework of the space-time continuum until each spark of individuated consciousness comes to recover its true identity and Unity with the Divine. This is Satya, this is Truth.
Taurus Full Moon, Scorpio Solar Festival 2014 Cosmic Weather Forecast
The Full Moon in Taurus is traditionally a lovers’ moon, perfect for romance, which combines the emotional, sexy watery nature of Scorpio with the earthy sensuality of Taurus.
Scorpio Solar Festival, Taurus Full Moon & Thanksgiving 2013 Cosmic Weather Forecast
The Full Moon in Taurus is traditionally a lovers’ moon, perfect for romance, which combines the emotional, sexy watery nature of Scorpio with the earthy sensuality of Taurus.
Virgo Full Moon & Spring Equinox 2012 Cosmic Weather Forecast
This is the moment each month when an alchemical transformation occurs in the Solar System which benefits all Earthly life-forms. The masculine, yang energy of the Sun is transmuted by the feminine, yin energy of the Moon, and the energy that streams forth on the night of the Full Moon partakes of the energy signatures of both Solar Wisdom and Lunar Love.
December 2011 Cosmic Weather Forecast
An extremely rare Full Moon Total Lunar Selenelion Eclipse marks this as a time of dying dreams and simultaneously as a time when new visions for humanity's future are incubating within the collective consciousness of humanity.
Festival of Humanity: Full Moon in Sagittarius 2010
Today is the Festival of Humanity, celebrated during the Full Moon in Sagittarius. The Sabian symbol for this degree of Sagittarius is this: "Cupid knocks at the door of a human heart." This is a Full Moon for lovers!
Autumn Equinox 2008: The Sword and the Balance
The Autumn Equinox is a Festival of the Divine Lovers, celebrating their sacred marriage and the establishment of a New Age civilization based upon the balance of male and female principles in a Union designed to serve the needs of the family, the greater community, and Mother Earth herself.
February 2012 Cosmic Weather Forecast
This month we offer our readers a set of very important stories that provide a roadmap for this epoch-making year of 2012 -- and beyond! We’ve gathered together some of the most distinguished astrologers in the world, from America, Europe and Australia, representing Mystery School traditions of the East and the West to give predictions for the year and decade ahead.
Spring Equinox 2006
This day of the Vernal Equinox is a good time to reconnect to Mother Earth with gratitude for her many gifts. It is a good time to reconnect with the sacred during the simple act of eating a meal.
Valentine's Day Newsletter 2007
"Each one of us has only one person to change and that person is at hand twenty-four hours a day, at our command. What beauty in God's mathematics! It comes to billions. If everyone evolves to a higher consciousness- or even most of us- the world will change."