Cosmic Weather Forecast

Wesak: Buddha's Birthday & the Shamballa Gathering
The passions of delusion are inexhaustible. I vow to extinguish them all at once. The number of beings is endless. I vow to help save them all. The Truth cannot be told. I vow to tell it. The Way which cannot be followed is unattainable. I vow to attain it.

Wesak Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse, Taurus Solar Festival May 2023 Cosmic Weather Forecast
On Friday At 1:43 PM Eastern time on Friday May 5, we celebrate the Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse and the Taurus Solar Festival, with Pluto and Mercury retrograde, initiating a month long series of unexpected, explosive endings, unforeseen golden opportunities, and electrifying global financial and geo-political dramas. If you like stomach wrenching roller coaster rides that morph into gateway portals to unexplored new realms rich with creative potential, then this Full Moon is for you!
Wesak Full Moon in Scorpio Festival 2009 Newsletter
At Wesak, the Enlightened Ones gather in Shambhala and send humanity a continuous energetic stream of intellectual inspiration, loving wisdom, compassion and will forces, along with immensely detailed spiritual guidance concerning each individual's spiritual path in the upcoming year. Let's meditate on that Friday night!
Full Moon in Scorpio April 2013 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Our challenge this Full Moon Festival is to overcome fear, take courageous risks to advance the onset of the Forces of Light and Love, patiently endure the frustrations of a time when oppositions create a kind of Cosmic gridlock in the stars, and meditate deeply upon matters of human death and transformation. This can lead to empowerment.

Wesak and Earth Day Full Moon in Scorpio, Taurus Solar Festival
Shakyamuni Buddha taught that the individual Self, experienced as the egoistic personality, is an illusion, and that each of us is indissolubly united with the vast web of life that interpenetrates the physical and spiritual realms, extending throughout the space-time continuum, encompassing past, present and future.
When we become fully conscious of that interdependent connection we have to the web of life, to Mother Earth and to the Heavens above us, that is the achievement of our spiritual goal in life. At that moment we are liberated and we achieve Nirvana.
Wesak 2015
Warm Wesak greetings from your editors Curtis Lang and Jane Sherry! We hope this Scorpio Full Moon and Taurus Solar Festival will be a positive tu...
Full Moon in Leo Aquarian Solar Festival 2011
The call of this Leo Full Moon is to connect with the spiritual Lion within, to open the heart to the demands of the suffering billions around the world. My Guides suggested that all Lightworkers who are able and motivated to do so join in a Full Moon Meditation focused upon loving kindness and the establishment of right human relations. Details in the article! Join us in this Full Moon Meditation!
Wesak 2006: Taurus Solar Festival with Full Moon in Scorpio
High in the Himalayas there lies a remote valley, circumscribed by lofty mountain ranges. On the third day prior to the May Full Moon, a slow but steady stream of adepts, high lamas, magi, monks, and seekers travel through a small funnel shaped opening in the mountains.