This unique 1.375" diameter 70+ carat gemstone quality Ultra Clear Rainbow Rose de France Amethyst Star of Isis Pendant, was created for Satya Center by Lawrence Stoller, the critically-acclaimed artist and crystal cutter who is known world-wide as a fabricator of magnificent works of art created in partnership with Nature & Light.

"'Creative genius' is a term I have seldom used in my life," says William E. Boyajian, President of the Geological Institute of America. "But I use it now to describe Lawrence Stoller, for these are the words that typify both his passion and his ability to preserve and protect beautiful crystals of nature -- and thereby transform them into creations that inspire countless thousands of people around the world."
Lawrence's work is in worldwide museums & collections. He has created a magnificent centerpiece for American Express's Eleven Tears World Trade Center Memorial.

Lawrence thinks of crystals as "frozen light" and indeed this gemstone quality Rose de France Amethyst Flower of Isis is super-translucent and exhibits inner luminescence.
Jane and Lawrence and I wanted to create a unique pendant that would serve as a channel for a stream of Unconditional Love energy directly from Source through the mediation of the Great Goddess in her aspect as Bringer of Love and Light, Mother of Stars.
The seven pointed star has been held sacred in Wiccan, Pagan, Eastern and Western Mystery School Teachings for thousands of years, and yet there are almost no examples of seven pointed stars cut into designs for pendants or other tools for Lightworkers.
Now, under the guidance of our Ascended Master Teachers, in particular the Count de Saint Germain, we have been instructed to bring various versions of the Heavenly Star of Our Lady of Love and Light into the world in the form of cut and faceted crystals and gemstones.
So we decided to focus on the seven pointed star, a well known form in sacred geometry. The overall shape of the pendant is heptagonal, a seven pointed star, sacred to Lady Isis, known to the Ancient Egyptians as Queen of Magic and Goddess of the Starry Night Sky.
To showcase the subtle beauty of this sacred geometrical form manifest in living crystal, Lawrence preferred to avoid any type of metal finding, bale or basket, simply drilling a small hole in the female end of the crystal for a chain or cord.
Lawrence purposely cut this beauty so that it would display some inclusions. "This way you know for sure it's not laboratory manufactured amethyst," Lawrence jokingly remarked. Lawrence prefers to leave some inclusions in his crystal works to remind us of nature's role in the creative process. Hold this lovely pendant up to the light and see the rainbows these inclusions create.
Qualities of Rose de France Amethyst
Amethyst is the gemstone variety of quartz, produced by the presence of manganese and hematite in clear quartz crystal. Increments of iron (hematite) within the crystal as it formed vary the color of the amethyst, which can range from pale lilac to deep purple. Amethyst has been popular with royalty, sages, mystics and magicians for centuries.
“Fine amethysts are featured in the British Crown Jewels and were also a favorite of Catherine the Great and Egyptian royalty,” according to the International Colored Gemstone Association.
“Leonardo Da Vinci wrote that amethyst was able to dissipate evil thoughts and quicken the intelligence,” according to the ICGA website.

“Because amethyst was thought to encourage celibacy and symbolize piety, amethyst was very important in the ornamentation of Catholic and other churches in the Middle Ages. It was, in particular, considered to be the stone of bishops and they still often wear amethyst rings,” continues the ICGA. “In Tibet, amethyst is considered to be sacred to Buddha and rosaries are often fashioned from it.”
Amethyst is said to enhance spirituality, raise the vibrational level of the holder, cleanse the astral, etheric and physical bodies, and produce a peaceful, tranquil state of mind.
Rose de France amethyst combines the traditional spiritual properties of amethyst, associated with the Violet Ray and the crown chakra, with the healing properties of the Rosy Ray, which is associated with the heart chakra in the Western mystery school tradition.
Working on the heart, the fourth chakra, Rose de France amethyst works to transmute heartache, heartbreak and the deleterious effects of anger we have experienced in our lives, into the energy of unconditional love, healing the wounds we have suffered in our emotional body.
Rose de France amethyst also empowers us and strengthens us by its energizing effect on the heart chakra, giving us the strength and courage we need to allow our selves to open our hearts fully and experience the compassion known by Jesus and Buddha, the joy and sorrow that accompany the awareness of the interdependence of all living beings.
The color violet is associated with the crown chakra in the Western chakra system, and so this extremely light and bright violet amethyst is said by crystal healers to activate and energize the crown chakra, connecting the bearer to Higher Mind, Higher Realms and inner spiritual guidance from extremely elevated and reliable Sources.
In the pantheon of modern day New Age Guides and Teachers, the Count de Saint Germain is called “The World Teacher” and “The Master of the Violet Ray” and is thought to communicate mind-to-mind with many, many students around the world. There is thought to be a large contingent of his students alive today in the United States, the center of modern Empire, just as Paris was the center of European Empire at the time of St. Germain.
Many New Age students of St. Germain utilize crystals and gemstones in their spiritual practice, for healing and in meditation, in a modern alchemical quest for Higher Self, Higher Mind and Higher Purpose. Modern New Age practice encompasses a belief in the theory of karma and reincarnation. The belief in reincarnation has its roots in the Hindu and Egyptian Mystery School traditions, and is fundamental to the Greek Mystery School Tradition of the pre-Socratic philosophers.
Under the guidance of the Great Alchemist, the Count de Saint Germain, New Age students of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings often utilize crystals and gemstones, along with meditation techniques, Reiki and past life regression therapy to access memories of past lives, and to release the detrimental patterns of behavior, negative emotions and outmoded mental maps of the world imprinted in our cells, our hearts, our minds and our karma from traumas experienced aeons ago.
Many of these modern acolytes of the Great Alchemist utilize crystals and gemstones thought to resonate with the energy vibration of the Violet Ray, which is said to be used under the guidance of St. Germain for purification and to raise the kundalini energy in a quest for Unity Consciousness. Such crystals and gems include especially amethyst, that violet colored form of quartz once so favored by the Pope and Bishops of the Catholic Church.
Sacred Geometry of the Seven Pointed Star
The seven pointed star, which derives from the heptagram, has a unique energy signature, which is related to the principles of sacred geometry.
In the Tarot deck, the seventeenth Trump, called The Star, reveals the Virgin Goddess pouring forth her cosmic waters from the transcendent realm into the material Universe, where they manifest as the energy called Shakti, materializing as the Milky Way, the array of stars that illuminate and enliven the entirety of the natural realm.
Her symbol is the seven sided star, visible in the Tarot card on this page, which was designed by Aleister Crowley and Lady Frieda Harris in the early years of the twentieth century.
The nature of the Virgin Goddess is Total Unconditional Love, unconstrained by factors of time and space. The spiraling forms of liquid light being poured forth from her cups in the Tarot Trump called The Star represent the Universal Life Force Energy which creates and sustains all the forms of Nature we perceive in this Four Dimensional Universe. The Virgin Goddess transfers that energy from the Source of all Creation into this material world, and also returns that energy to Source when material manifestation of a particular, given form reaches an end-state.
John Michell, in his Dimensions of Paradise says, "The 'Lamb in the midst of the throne,' in Revelation 5:6 has 'seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God.' The geometer's image of this creature is the heptagram with seven horns and seven triangles containing eyes. The eyed triangle of the heptagon, which has a base angle (51 degrees 26 minutes) nearly the same as that of the Great Pyramid of Egypt (51 degrees 51 minutes), may be the origin of the mystic symbol of the eye in the pyramid."
Seven is of course the number of colors in the rainbow, the number of notes in our Western musical scale, the number of endocrine glands in the human body, and the number of major chakras in the body.
The seventh, most elevated chakra is the crown chakra, which is associated with the colors violet, white or gold, and with the Higher Mind, Christ Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness or Krishna Consciousness.
Seven is also the number of the seven stages of inner transformation through sustained spiritual practice that enable the yogi to raise the kundalini to each succeeding chakra center, to pierce each center, and to remain centered and balanced as this immensely powerful energy continues to elevate the yogi's consciousness over time.
In the yogic tradition, when, through arduous spiritual practices, the spiritual aspirant awakens the kundalini energy, which normally lies asleep, coiled in a spiral in the lowest chakra, near the perineum, the kundalini rises up the spine, slowly piercing each of the seven chakras until it reaches the crown chakra. When the spiritual aspirant succeeds in raising the kundalini to the crown, this is said to be the marriage of Shiva and Shakti, and confers enlightenment upon the yogi, who has now achieved adeptship.
The energy of the seventh chakra thus represents the marriage of the male and female principles in an alchemical union, and also constitutes the fusion of the lower self with the Higher Self, the attainment of Unity consciousness.

This sacred geometry of seven-sided star resonates with the healing, elevating energy of the transcendent Creatrix, and with the energy of the transcendent Creator, hinting at the Great Mystery of the "sacred marriage" of Shiva and Shakti, which takes place in the crown chakra of the yogic adept.
The sacred geometry of the seven pointed star is designed to resonate with the extremely elevated energy signature of the awakened and enlightened seventh chakra, which is associated with the colors violet and gold in the Western chakra system, so this beautiful pendant is by virtue of both its form and its substance a gateway to Unconditional Love and Accelerated Spiritual Advancement.
The energy of this pendant is designed to be of the same frequency as the golden light referred to in Western mysticism as Christ Consciousness, making this pendant ideal for healing and for meditation by those on the spiritual path, who seek to elevate their consciousness and unite with Higher Mind.
The number seven is associated with the transcendent Virgin Goddess because seven is considered a "virgin" number. No number less than seven can be divided into it evenly, and no number can be multiplied by seven to produce another number, a "child", within the Holy Decad, considered to be the parameters of the original creation.
Every one of the ten numbers in the Decad can be divided evenly into 360, the number of degrees in a circle -- except for seven. The heptagon consists of seven literally unmeasurable, thus virginal, angles, and another elusive, virginal angle from its center to its corners. Thus the ever-virginal heptagon cannot be captured or constructed by the Cosmic Geometer. The regular heptagon is the smallest polygon that cannot be constructed using only the three tools of the geometer, the compass, the straightedge and the pencil.
Thus the heptagon is associated with the transcendent aspect of the Great Virgin Goddess known to the Greeks as Pallas Athena (or as Minerva to the Romans), who was said not to have been born from the womb, as other gods and goddesses, but rather to have sprung from Zeus' brow. When the numerological values of the letters of Pallas Athena's title "Pallas" or "Maiden" are added together, they total 343, which equals 7 X 7 X 7, the volume of a cube whose sides are seven units long. The cube is considered to be symbolic of material creation, so the role of the transcendent Creatrix is alluded to in the sacred geometry of her very title.
The seven sided star resonates with the very highest frequency of energy associated with the Great Goddess in her role as creatrix and sustainer of the Universe. The seven-sided star is associated with the transcendent energy signature of the Goddess Isis or Nuith, the Egyptian Goddess of the Night Sky, who is associated with divinely ordained synchronicities, the bliss of unconditional love blessed by harmonious constellations of stars, and the "mystico unio" of adepts on the path of meditation.
The seven sided star is sacred to lovers everywhere, because the seven sided star symbolizes the eternal yearning of the soul for Unity with the Source of all Creation, the unending desire of the incarnated Being for the Virgin Goddess who resides beyond this Space-Time continuum.
When a human being enters into a love relationship with another human being, whether that be a relationship based upon mutual receptivity and affinity, karma, or an unwavering desire for a partnership designed to accelerate the spiritual development of both parties, there is a magical moment when the Universe seems to signal its approval of the Union.
Lovers could tell a million stories about the crazy chain of coincidences that brought them together in this life. The synchronicities that manifest in the outer world to bring the two lovers together are a reflection of the pure inner desire for Uncondtional Love that burns in the hearts of the two aspirants.
Spiritual students around the world could tell a million stories about the amazing string of unusual events that brought them to their Teachers. It is quite common for the student to be "guided" to the Teacher when the time is right. "When the student is ready, the Teacher will come," as they say.
This type of synchronistic meeting is also the reflection in the outer world of a pure desire for Divine Love and accelerated spiritual advancement.
So whether you desire a pure and uplifting love relationship or accelerated spiritual development in your life, the Virgin Goddess will oversee your efforts and respond to your desire -- if it is pure and free of the "lust of result". In other words, you must be willing to accept the Design of the Universe, and in asking for the Grace of the Virgin Goddess, you must be willing to accept her Guidance, even if it lead you to Realms far removed from what you picture in your mind's eye as an answer to your prayers.
If you desire a Greater Love in your life, lift your eyes unto the Night Sky and sing the praises of She who Illuminates the Night and Gives Life Upon the Earth, for she is also your Mother and She loves you dearly.
The seven sided Pendant of Isis is one conduit for Her Love and Light to reach the Earth. May that Love and Light be grounded within your Being and your Life.
This crystal has been cleaned with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energy attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing, so it will continue to receive and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It has also been cleaned and charged with the natural energy of sunlight. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires.
Above weight is shipping weight. Net weight is 15 grams or .45 ounce, including rope chain and bale. The Amethyst Star itself is approximately 70 carats in weight.