Cosmic Weather Forecast
September Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces
This Full Moon Eclipse emphasizes the need for each of us to turn within, to subordinate our egoistic will to the Higher Purpose we each have incarnated to fulfill, and to listen carefully to the Divine Guidance available to us through our connection to Higher Mind.

Full Moon in Libra, Aries Solar Festival 2012 Easter & Passover Cosmic Weather Forecast
At the time of this Libra Full Moon Aries Solar Festival, we celebrate the blending of the energies of Aries and Libra. Esoterically, Aries represents the egoistic personality, and Libra the Cosmic Equilibrium of the Higher Self.
Autumn Equinox Harvest Moon 2005
In the northern hemisphere, the Moon will rise around sunset tonight--and not long after sunset for the next few evenings. Northern farmers who are working long days to harvest their crops before autumn take advantage of this phenomenon, which is what gives the Harvest Moon its name.
Gemini Solar Festival, Sagittarius Full Moon June 2015 Festival of Humanity Cosmic Weather Forecast
We all need a break from the Long Emergency. We are in a marathon run, not a sprint. There are no fast fixes to humanity's problems, only long-range solutions will be viable. So let us take the time this Full Moon to be gentle with ourselves and our loved ones.