Cosmic Weather Forecast
Psychic Self Defense
Do you ever feel overly impacted by the emotional turmoil around you at home, work or out in the world? Or by the moods of your loved ones? Do you wonder if the emotions you are feeling sometimes aren't your own? Do you feel that sometimes when you walk into a room, that your energy changes to reflect whatever's going on around you? Empathy is the forerunner of compassion, and therefore a potentially very positive experience. However there is a danger involved in the empathic experience we should all understand.
Autumn Equinox: The Archangel Michael Meditation
It's Time to Surround Yourself with the Electric Blue Light of Archangel Michael
This year, 2023, the Autumnal Equinox occurs on September 23 at 2...
Super Snow Moon in Virgo, Pisces Solar Festival 2019 Cosmic Weather Forecast
This Super Snow Moon features a predominance of Earth and Water in a set of harmonious and beneficial relationships that will resonate throughout the year, to the extent that they involve major outer planet.
Full Moon in Taurus, Scorpio Solar Festival 2015 Cosmic Weather Forecast – Satya Center is Moving to Florida!
It is up to us who are aware of the Truth of humanity’s current situation to dream the big, healing dreams that can motivate us to transform our lives, heal our relationships, and participate in the regeneration of human civilization in the 21st Century.
Leo Solar Festival and the Aquarius Full Moon Eclipse 2009 Satya Center Newsletter
Our Celestial Weather Report for August includes an amazing array of astrological interactions among the large, outer planets, signifying changes taking place at the most profound levels of the collective consciousness, with major shifts in social relations sure to follow in many areas of life. Political and economic fault-lines are being triggered and major upheavals are likely during the next year.
Easter: Uniting with the Cosmic Christ
Ask and it shall be made known to you, make a request and it shall be granted to you, open your heart and the chains of ego will fall away. Ask for your freedom and you shall be freed. This is Christ’s Easter promise.
Tongues of Fire: Pentecost, Kundalini and the Ways of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is equivalent to the kundalini energy Eastern adepts in the yoga tradition raise within themselves in the process of enlightenment. European Alchemists called this energy Mercury, the Strength of All Strengths.