Blue Moon in Capricorn, Cancer Solar Festival, July 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast, Or Why is Everything So Scary?

Blue Moon in Capricorn, Cancer Solar Festival, July 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast, Or Why is Everything So Scary?

anthropocene ageCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
Scary, potentially empowering Full Moon opens the door to a season of unprecedented geopolitical, environmental, and cultural risks, promising chaos and golden opportunities for all who trust their intuitive guidance and can maintain their equilibrium in a flood of global transformation.
Thanksgiving 2023, Gemini Full Moon, Sagittarius Solar Festival Cosmic Weather Forecast

Thanksgiving 2023, Gemini Full Moon, Sagittarius Solar Festival Cosmic Weather Forecast

archangel gabrielCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
Best of times, worst of times scenario. Combustible Mars aspect coincided with escalation of Israel-Hamas war, peaks at Full Moon in fun loving Gemini. The next incendiary Mars aspect ignites more or less simultaneously. As Christmas nears, the desire for peace in Ukraine and Gaza grows worldwide. Fortunately, we can also look forward to some uplifting, funtime astrological aspects through Christmas.
Jupiter, photo by Webb Telescope, Courtesy NASA

Full Moon in Capricorn, Cancer Solar Festival, July 2023 Cosmic Weather Forecast

agricultureCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
Mars-Venus conjunction in Leo on Capricorn Super Full Moon sparks romance, creativity abounds! Jupiter in Taurus trines Full Moon, sextiles Sun, amplifying the fun and games! Mid July Saturn opposes Mars and Pluto opposes the Sun. Volatility abounds. Caution: Extreme summer weather events likely with potential for devastating escalation of conflicts worldwide.
Great Pyramid and Sphinx, Photo by Kévin et Laurianne Langlais on Unsplash

Full Moon in Sagittarius, Gemini Solar Festival, June 2023 Cosmic Weather Forecast

ascended mastersCurtis Lang
This Full Moon a Mutable T-Square Tilt-A-Whirl could disrupt the Venus-Neptune Water Trine's mellow flow, but a Uranus-Mercury Conjunction offers intuitive guidance that restores your dynamic balance as the Planetary Festival of Goodwill brings new insights and opens new doors for us all.
Spring Equinox 2023 Seasonal Cosmic Weather Forecast

Spring Equinox 2023 Seasonal Cosmic Weather Forecast

anthropocene ageCurtis Lang
We can all do our part to create a network of spiritual activists in our community and worldwide to elevate consciousness, change the narrative, and create political space for the kind of evolutionary transformation that can, even at this late date, birth a new post-hydrocarbon civilization that will rise from the ashes of our dying world order.
Virgo Full Moon, Pisces Solar Festival, March 2023 Cosmic Weather Forecast

Virgo Full Moon, Pisces Solar Festival, March 2023 Cosmic Weather Forecast

americaCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
Full Moon Mutable T-Square Tilt-A-Whirl followed by Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Pisces initiates several years of global unrest and revolutionary fervor, a resurgence of artistic Romanticism, and upsurge of spiritual activism, along with renewed interest in psychic phenomena, Spiritism, and spirituality as an expression of direct experience of Higher Worlds.
Taking Fireworks Selfie on New Year's Eve

Cancer Full Moon, Capricorn Solar Festival, January 2023 Cosmic Weather Forecast

anthropocene ageCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
Happy New Year! 2023 brings relief from 15 years of outer planet turmoil. Positive, benign aspects dominate this year! Wide angle view of astro-aspects from 2008-2026! Predictions for global geo-politics, climate crisis, Ukraine War and Financial Crisis 2.0.
Aries Full Moon, Libra Solar Festival, October 2022 Cosmic Weather Forecast

Aries Full Moon, Libra Solar Festival, October 2022 Cosmic Weather Forecast

astrological forecastsCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
US Pluto Return, Uranus-Saturn Square, Mars Retrograde in Gemini = The Grand Irrationality, Coming Global Financial Meltdown and Escalation of War in the Ukraine.
Pisces Full Harvest Moon, Virgo Solar Festival, Autumn Equinox & Michaelmas 2022 Cosmic Weather Forecast

Pisces Full Harvest Moon, Virgo Solar Festival, Autumn Equinox & Michaelmas 2022 Cosmic Weather Forecast

alchemyCurtis Lang
Mutable T-Square Puts Us on Cosmic Tilt-A-Whirl; Environmental Catastrophe in Pakistan; Global Dystopian Techno-Feudalism in China and US; Surround Yourself with Cleansing Karma Clearing Blue Flame in Our Archangel Michael Meditation
Capricorn Full Thunder Super Moon, Cancer Solar Festival July 2022 Cosmic Weather Forecast

Capricorn Full Thunder Super Moon, Cancer Solar Festival July 2022 Cosmic Weather Forecast

age of aquariusCurtis Lang
Fasten your seat belts! Full Moon-Pluto Conjunction Madness! Global Financial Crisis Dead Ahead!
Winter Solstice Triple Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction 2020 Cosmic Weather Forecast

Winter Solstice Triple Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction 2020 Cosmic Weather Forecast

age of aquariusCurtis Lang
The Grand Conjunction in Aquarius ushers in a new 20 year cycle of Aquarian outer planet energy and a 200 year supercycle
Cancer Full Moon Eclipse, Capricorn Solar Festival, January 2020 Cosmic Weather Forecast

Cancer Full Moon Eclipse, Capricorn Solar Festival, January 2020 Cosmic Weather Forecast

ascension practicesCurtis Lang
Pluto-Saturn Conjunction Colors Next 20 Years; Will Crisis of Hydrocarbon Civilization Birth a Neo-Renaissance? Ascension Practices For Humanity -- All You Need Is Love!