Warm Wesak greetings from your editors Curtis Lang and Jane Sherry! We hope this Scorpio Full Moon and Taurus Solar Festival will be a positive turning point in your yearly round of activities in the spiritual and material realms.

shamballaThe global spring spiritual Full Moon Festival of Wesak occurs this year on Sunday, May 3rd, 2015, the day of the Scorpio Full Moon and the Taurus Solar Festival.

The Festival of Wesak is a Global Celebration of the work being done by the Ascended Master Teachers in Spiritual Worlds and by the New Group of World Servers, often known as Lightworkers, in the physical realm on planet Earth.  

The true spiritual significance of Wesak is this, In the spiritual world, there is a Hierarchy of Ascended Master Guides and Teachers whose elevated consciousness constitutes a kind of collective hive-mind dedicated to the enlightenment of human beings and the acceleration of humanity’s spiritual evolution.

BuddhaThis Hierarchy honors all the various Wisdom Schools of the East and the West, and recognizes the validity of all true religious teachings of every lineage.

Each and every human soul currently embodied on planet Earth is blessed by the special attention of one, and usually more, Ascended Master Guides and Teachers with whom the individual souls have developed a special affinity through countless rounds of reincarnation.

During the week of the yearly Wesak festival, the Ascended Master Hierarchy pours out a stream of love and light towards all humanity. Those who are aware of the spiritual significance of this festival time tune in to this energetic flow and to the highly elevated collective consciousness of the Ascended Master Teachers of the East and West.

Those who tune in to spiritual guidance at this auspicious time will receive instructions concerning their path of Spirit during the next calendar year, and will achieve a deepened understanding of their Higher Purpose and how to work most effectively toward the fulfillment of that Higher Purpose in the next seasonal round.

For a complete guide to the history of Wesak in the Eastern traditions, the significance of this festival for Western Mystery School practitioners, and detailed meditation practices designed to attune the individual to the spiritual guidance abundantly available at this time of year, see our story entitled The Global Festival of Wesak: Buddha's Birthday & the Shamballa Gathering.

Scorpio Full Moon and Taurus Solar Festival 2015

The Scorpio Full Moon occurs this year on Sunday May 3 at 8:42 pm Pacific time, or 11:42 pm Eastern time, at 14 degrees Scorpio, while the opposing Sun reachesi 14 degrees Taurus simultaneously.

Curtis and Jane at South Beach, Boca Raton, FloridaJane and I have spent the last several weeks in Boca Raton, Florida, a few hundred yards from a beautiful white sand beach. We have a gorgeous view of palm trees and the Atlantic Ocean from our windows. We have had the rare privilege of performing our daily morning spiritual practices in the sunrise surf, which has been surprisingly gentle. The beach here leads out into a large sand bar so you can walk out for a hundred yards into the surf without going in over your head. We have found that walking for a mile or two up and down the beach on the sandbar while immersed up to the chest is a fantastic exercise.

During this same period we have been visiting with Jane's 92 year old Mother, who has lived here alone since Jane's Dad died two years ago. She still drives herself to lunch every day and takes care of her condo and herself without any helpers other than occasional maid service. We are astounded by her strength of will and optimistic attitude.

We have enjoyed the opportunity to engage in some difficult but rewarding work involving the improvement of communications among all Jane's family members across four generations, since many members of the family have been very focused on us during this trip. The opportunity to release familial karma in a controlled and positive energetic environment is always a blessing, and we have been profoundly touched by the healing that has occurred.

The weather here has been extreme and unusual, as is the new normal everywhere on Earth these days. It should be spring, but for most of the time we've been here the temperature during the day has been in the 90s and there have been frequent downpours, accompanied by bursts of lightning. Florida is the lightning capital of America! This weather is more typical of the late summer rainy season than the balmy, sunny spring Floridians see as "normal".

Jane and I have been extremely amused to consider the Sabian Symbols for this week's Scorpio Full Moon and Taurus Solar Festival.

The Sabian Symbol for the Sun at 14 degrees Taurus is "Children splash in the receding tide amidst groping shellfish." The Sabian Symbol for the Moon at 14 degrees Scorpio is "Workers push a telephone line across forbidding ranges."

The Solar symbol points to the need for us all to take a much needed respite from the difficult work we have been called to do during the last seven years of the Pluto-Uranus square sequence that featured the epochal Grand Cardinal Cross aspects that signal the complete re-organization of human society, the end of the Industrial Age of Cheap Oil and the onset of the new Solar Age of post-Industrial societies around the globe.

The Lunar symbol reminds us that we must redouble our efforts to keep lines of communication clear and open with our families, friends, loved ones and the greater communities of which we are a part. It is only through clear communication and mutual help and assistance that humanity will be able to restructure the failing political, financial and social structures that are obstructing humanity's efforts to mitigate the environmental depradation caused by over-population, wars, and the wanton use of fossil fuels and advanced technologies that are creating a dangerous imbalance in the delicate eco-system that has been so supportive of human life during the last ten thousand years.

Ascended mastersBuddhaBuddhist practicesTheosophy