Full Moon in Scorpio April 2013 Cosmic Weather Forecast

age of aquariusCurtis Lang with Jane Sherry
Our challenge this Full Moon Festival is to overcome fear, take courageous risks to advance the onset of the Forces of Light and Love, patiently endure the frustrations of a time when oppositions create a kind of Cosmic gridlock in the stars, and meditate deeply upon matters of human death and transformation. This can lead to empowerment.
Summer Solstice Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius, Gemini Solar Festival 2016

Summer Solstice Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius, Gemini Solar Festival 2016

age of aquariusCurtis Lang with Jane Sherry
The now-infamous Grand Mutable Cross forms and re-forms this month, perfecting this Sunday, June 19, and regressing into a potent T-Square on June 25. There is a fog of confusion, paranoia, anger, recrimination, and ego-inflation blanketing the collective consciousness. We are in the no-man’s land between one age and another. The way forward is uncharted. There are no gps systems that provide co-ordinates for the unfolding new world that will emerge in the new age to come. If anyone approaches you with a treasure map or some other deal that seems too good to be true, rest assured, it is!

Libra Solar Festival, Aries Penumbral Eclipse Full Moon 2013 Cosmic Weather Forecast

age of aquariusCurtis Lang with Jane Sherry
We can expect that this Full Moon Penumbral Eclipse in the Cardinal sign of Aries will pump up the tense, conflicted energy that is being unleashed by the recurring Grand Cardinal Cross. However there are also several potent Trine aspects that indicate ease and grace, and promise that if we make an effort to connect with our spiritual guidance we will find we have all we need to navigate through the economic, political and environmental crises unfolding simultaneously on Planet Earth today.

June 2012 Cosmic Weather Forecast Part I: Stellar Fireworks Display!

age of aquariusCurtis Lang with Jane Sherry
This month the sky is filled with signs and portents of earth-shaking change, some hopeful, some ominous, and the energy streaming in to us from the Cosmos is so powerful that our very physical vessels are challenged to maintain equilibrium. The task of humanity is to step forward into the Light with courage. The courageous are not necessarily fearless at all. The courageous are those who follow their Higher Purpose despite their fear!

April 2011 Libra Full Moon Cosmic Weather Forecast -- Happy Easter and Passover!

age of aquariusCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
Feeling stressed? You're not alone. The Sun, Uranus, Mars, Mercury retrograde and Jupiter are all in Aries, opposed by the Moon and Saturn retrograde in Libra. All these planets are part of a T-Square formation which features Pluto retrograde in Capricorn as the linchpin. On the plus side, the Full Moon trines Neptune in Pisces and Chiron, providing a highly charged spiritual current of healing and inner transformation, which is quite likely to manifest as a stream of meaningful synchronistic events that act as guideposts for us during this time of stress, when we most lack clarity. These synchronicities will open up new doorways for us, providing us with golden opportunities for accelerated spiritual advancement.

Full Moon in Leo Aquarian Solar Festival 2011

age of aquariusCurtis Lang with Jane Sherry
The call of this Leo Full Moon is to connect with the spiritual Lion within, to open the heart to the demands of the suffering billions around the world. My Guides suggested that all Lightworkers who are able and motivated to do so join in a Full Moon Meditation focused upon loving kindness and the establishment of right human relations. Details in the article! Join us in this Full Moon Meditation!

Full Moon in Pisces, 2010 August Cosmic Weather Forecast

age of aquariusCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
This Full Moon in Pisces humanity ascends the cross of transformation. The challenge for us all, individually and collectively, is to leave behind our everyday concerns, our mental maps of the world, and our typical emotional reactions to stress and conflict, and to allow Spirit to open our hearts and connect us with Higher Mind. The path is one of suffering and the destination is a place where suffering is no more.

Winter Solstice 2009 Cosmic Weather Forecast

age of aquariusCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
After a month or so of very ragged energy, sharp Saturn-Pluto aspects and an active Uranus cycle that seems to affect computers, computer networks, deliveries dependent upon such networks, all technology, tools and houses, and trigger unexpected health crises, we could all use a day or two of sweet Cosmic Weather. Good news! This Winter Solstice is extremely well-aspected.

Easter, Festival of the Risen Christ: April 2009 Full Moon in Libra, Aries Solar Festival Newsletter

age of aquariusCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
This Easter Festival, we are being provided with an infusion of loving wisdom directly from the Christ, intended to help us in the difficult task of opening our hearts to one another in these troubled times and empowering us to help those least among us. Let us RISE to the occasion!

Festival of Humanity 2006 -- Full Moon in Sagittarius

age of aquariusCurtis Lang
This Full Moon is conjunct dark Pluto and the Galactic Center. Pluto in Sagittarius supports the transformation of our culture’s most basic belief structures. When Pluto is conjunct the moon, which is the seat of our personal subconscious beliefs, and also the Galactic Center, the time is ripe for a total shift in consciousness, a transformation of personal and cultural values on the broadest possible scale.

The Twilight of The Era of Cheap Oil

age of aquariusCurtis Lang
We are in the twilight of the age of mass industrialization and consumption, of a long spiritual cycle focused on the development of the individual sense of self. The Aquarian age of community is coming soon.