18 Sided Smoky Citrine Phantom Vogel Wand

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This stunning natural 18 Sided Smoky Citrine Phantom Vogel Wand is 5 inches long and weighs 242 grams, 8.04 ounces, or approximately 1/2 of a pound. This wand comes from the collection of Marcel Vogel's student Paul Jensen, creator of the Tools for Evolution line of sacred geometry jewelry, based in Casper Wyoming.

18 Sided Smoky Citrine Phantom Vogel Wand

The female termination tip of this Vogel crystal looks like a small pyramid, because this wand was cut to mimic the proportions of the Great Pyramid at Giza, which is thought to be a mammoth antenna and amplifier for Universal Life Force Energy, built with Phi ratio proportionality.

Smoky citrine works to gently purify and cleanse the physical and astral bodies, energize the root, third and crown chakras, increase the flow of Universal Life Force energy throughout the mind, body and aura, and to protect the bearer from unwanted or deleterious energies impacting the bearer's energy field.

Smoky citrine contains iron oxide or hematite, and therefore has an affinity with Archangel Michael, according to Esoteric Christianity, which associates iron-bearing meteorites with Archangel Michael's flashing sword of karmic liberation. 

Smoky citrine is a true ascension stone because it has the unique ability to simultaneously connect us to Higher Worlds and to ground us firmly in physical reality.

18 Sided Smoky Citrine Phantom Vogel Wand

Smoky citrine combines smoky quartz's ability to ground the bearer with citrine's well known property of activating the crown chakra and thus offering a connection to Divine Source.

Smoky Citrine is one of the world's most valued stones of protection, which we have recommended to Lightworkers, healers, corporate executives, nurses, doctors and others working in situations with very conflicted or afflicted energy fields for many years.

Mineralogical and Metaphysical Properties of Phantom Crystals

This phantom was created when a faceted tip formed at one point in the crystal's growth, but the crystal's growth was interrupted for some reason, and then the quartz crystal resumed its crystallization, eventually enclosing the phantom crystal within itself, creating a residual outline of the previous point completely enclosed within the enlarged crystal formation. 

The phantom typically displays one or more translucent thin, cloud-like layers of mineral deposits resembling small points.

18 Sided Smoky Citrine Phantom Vogel Wand

Each layer of cloudy inclusion contains a revealing snapshot of the crystal's termination faces in the remote past.

Each phantom marking represents a different stage in the crystal's growth -- and each stage can last for hundreds of thousands of years!

Each phantom crystal reveals its own evolutionary pattern -- it is as though we can see the record of the transmigrations of the crystal's soul.

It should come as no surprise that phantom crystals help us to unearth our own histories, and to come to terms with unresolved issues from our past.

Phantoms help us to see our own messy histories and our painful karmic issues as part of a beautiful spiritual evolution. In this way, they help to restore a sense of inner balance, unity and an aura of magic where there had been pain and struggle.

18 Sided Smoky Citrine Phantom Vogel Wand

How do phantom crystals form within the Earth?

One possibility is that a pocket of mineral rich liquid inside the earth surrounding the crystal dried out, stopping the crystal's growth. When a crystal's growth is interrupted for some reason, a thin dusting of such minerals as pyrite, hematite, chlorite or galena can gather on the termination faces.

Later, if the pocket is resaturated, another stage of crystal growth can occur.

If the crystal's growth then resumes, over long cycles of geologic time, the dusting of alien minerals covering the crystal's original termination faces is incorporated into a much larger quartz crystal.

This long growth process creates a crystal exhibiting the classic phantom crystal point which can be seen within the larger crystal.

Sometimes one can see two or three phantom points within a given crystal wand, and in such cases, the growth process was undoubtedly stopped and started several times over unthinkably long periods of geological time.

The final result is the formation of a phantom crystal much larger than the original crystal structure at the point of growth interruption.

Mineralogical and Metaphysical Properties of Smoky Citrine

Citrine is a powerful semi-precious stone which is a rare, more energetically powerful form of quartz crystal, characterized by a yellow color, ranging from white to deep copper.

It is less common in nature than amethyst (another member of the quartz family, and one of the two semi-precious stones present in ametrine) but both are found in quartz veins, as well as volcanic locations and elsewhere in nature.

18 Sided Smoky Citrine Phantom Vogel Wand

The color of citrine often derives from small amounts (approximately 40 parts per million) of iron in the quartz.

The coloration of amethyst is derived from varying amounts of manganese and iron in the crystal which create gradations of color ranging from lavender to grape jam purple. 

The difference between citrine and amethyst is only the oxidation state of the iron present in the quartz.

Citrine can be formed when an amethyst becomes heated to the point where the iron held within the crystal undergoes a further stage of oxidation.

The presence of aluminum in a crystal can also create a yellowish, or golden coloration, typical of citrine. In addition, natural irradiation at the site where the crystal forms can contribute to a darkening of the yellowish-golden color of citrine crystals. 

Since the color of smoky quartz often results from trace amounts of aluminum and/or growth in a naturally irradiated site, there is a close relationship between smoky quartz and citrine.

Under the right conditions, a citrine crystal can display a gradation of colors ranging from dark brown to yellowish-gold, and this type of crystal is called smoky citrine.

Smoky citrine is a form of what is known as “the philosopher’s stone”, a catalyst in the alchemical transformation of the human soul, which consists of elevating the vital energy, the heart’s desire and the mind’s focus to the frequencies characteristic of the higher chakras, and of attuning the mind more and more consciously to the energy signatures of the elevated spiritual realities one encounters there.

Smoky citrine works to gently purify and cleanse the physical and astral bodies, energize the root, third and crown chakras, increase the flow of Universal Life Force energy throughout the mind, body and aura, and to protect the bearer from unwanted or deleterious energies impacting the bearer's energy field.

18 Sided Smoky Citrine Phantom Vogel WandA client recently reported that the Smoky Citrine enabled him to feel protected from other peoples' energies & that people who used to irritate him, no longer affected him in that way. He was able to become the watcher & allow the person to be in their space without negatively impacting his own auric field.

The alchemical symbolism of smoky citrine manifests most clearly when the crystal is backlit or held up to a bright light, or to the sun.

The deep golden glow of the transformative citrine appears to rise up within the crystal, illuminating the intensely bright darkness of the smoky citrine quartz from within. Just so, the bearer will find that smoky citrine illuminates that which is dark within body, mind and aura, transmuting what had been negative energies into powerful, positive energies of self-transformation. Self-transformation is the true alchemy.

18 Sided Smoky Citrine Phantom Vogel Wand

In our experience, citrine cleanses the emotional and etheric bodies, and stimulates the holder’s vital energies and physical body. It imparts a strong sense of protection if worn on the body or placed in a room where energy work takes place or groups gather.

In addition, citrine is an ideal gemstone for protection. Used to strengthen the aura and surround the bearer in a bubble of golden light, citrine provides the bearer with a safe, secure personal space, free from the interference of negative or unwanted individual or collective thought forms, deleterious emotional states projected by others, and even inauspicious astrological influences, which can be literally burned away when they encounter such a strong golden aura as citrine helps to create.

18 Sided Smoky Citrine Phantom Vogel Wand

Used in energy healing, citrine is said to transmit the golden light of unity consciousness, which is tuned to the very highest vibrations of an open eighth chakra -- the chakra above the crown of the head, said by the Western New Age chakra system to be the location of the Higher Self.

When Jane and I have used citrine in Reiki and crystal energy sessions with clients, they have reported feeling a golden glow around them. We have also found that citrine is a powerful tool for extracting negative energies, gently dissolving energy blocks, and releasing negative emotions during sessions.

Marcel Vogel's Crystal Wisdom

This precision light instrument, with a unique cut based upon the specifications of legendary scientist and crystal healer Marcel Vogel, is a powerful subtle energy tool, and can be used for many kinds of healing work as well as for meditation.

Marcel Vogel

Marcel Vogel worked for IBM for 27 years doing research and development. He developed the magnetic coating for IBM’s disc drive, which acts as the storage unit for a computer's memory, and he created the first liquid crystal displays, or LCDs.

From his experimental work with crystals, Vogel learned that by pointing a crystal at another person, the crystal would amplify the person’s thoughts and emotions.

This often also led to putting the individual into an altered state of consciousness. The next step was for Vogel to utilize the quartz crystals for therapeutic purposes.

Marcel Vogel sought to use the power of science and of the lapidary arts to perfect crystalline forms of nature in order to maximize their potential for receiving, amplifying and transmitting Universal Life Force Energy charged with the intent to heal and with the force of love.

18 Sided Smoky Citrine Phantom Vogel WandVogel cut his crystals to harmonize with the natural quartz structure to enhance the energetic properties of the wand for healing purposes, and the result is also aesthetically pleasing.

Vogel believed that the most important thing to remember in working with faceted crystals for healing is that the purpose of the faceting should be to amplify and transmit an increasingly coherent stream of energy to a subject.

Some hexagonal quartz crystal wands occur naturally with six more or less equilateral sides and more or less equal triangular termination facets.

Energy healers discovered that these six sided wands amplifed the energy being transmitted by the wand when the termination facets on the female end created a more obtuse angle and when the termination facets on the male end created a more acute angle.

18 Sided Smoky Citrine Phantom Vogel Wand

In a naturally formed quartz crystal of somewhat irregular shape and symmetry, the energy within the crystal tends to move through the crystal in a less directed way than the Vogel style cuts.

But when a crystal had a very definite symmetry, especially the hexagonal symmetry, then the energy gathers in the larger, receptive end of the crystal, and if directed by a knowledgeable human hand, travels in a series of tighter and tighter concentric circles around the interior of the crystal, and down into the tip of the male end of the crystal, where it would be emitted as a much more coherent stream of energy.

Energy healers also discovered that when the sharp male tip of the healing wand is congruent with the C-axis of the crystal, exactly centered within the circle formed when you look head-on at the male end of the crystal, this made the energetic flow stronger and more coherent.

18 Sided Smoky Citrine Phantom Vogel Wand

When the sharp tip on the female end of the crystal, where the six termination facets meet, is congruent with the C-axis of the crystal, exactly centered within the circle formed when you look head-on at the female end of the crystal, the energetic flow through the crystal becomes stronger and more coherent.

Total symmetry created the crystal healer's version of the laser beam.

Marcel Vogel's healing wands were refined artistic versions of this well-known type of hexagonal natural healing wand, known for millennia to energy healers worldwide.

According to Marcel Vogel's written specifications for Vogel healing wands, good Vogel wands should have precisely equal facets on the shaft and tips; good clarity, preferably 90% or more; a well-defined C-axis that runs parallel to the shaft; and termination tips centered in the very middle of the shaft.

The male and female terminations should be sharp, and the male should be more acute than the female. The female termination should be broader than the male tip.

18 Sided Smoky Citrine Phantom Vogel WandThe male termination tip of this gorgeous Vogel healing wand is fashioned to form an extremely sharp tip designed to maximize the coherence and strength of energy streaming from the wand, while the female termination tip was cut a little wider, to maximize the area available for input of Universal Life Force energy from Source, and particularly from the palm chakra of the crystal healing practitioner.

As the prana spirals down the shaft of the wand, the energy stream is amplifed every time it encounters a facet on the shaft.

The super-charged energy stream coalesces at the male end of the wand, and is emitted as a highly coherent laser-like beam for use in meditation, vibrational healing and subtle communications.

Energy and crystal healers prize Vogel cut quartz crystals to this day. The art of cutting crystals for use in healing requires extensive knowledge of the high art of crystal-cutting and polishing, an intuitive feel for the subtle energies involved, and an awareness of the needs of the energy healer who will be using the wand.

In his early experiments with cutting healing crystals, which he conducted for many years, Marcel Vogel saw the Kabbalistic Tree of Life in a dream, which is shaped very much like four sided crystal wand with double termination tips.

Model created by Robert Wang, from his book The Qabalistic Tarot
Model created by Robert Wang, from his book The Qabalistic Tarot

Marcel created his first 4-sided healing wands in that shape, and told the story of their origin in the crystal healing workshops he gave students around the world.

Over time, Marcel also designed 6, 8, 12 and 13 sided double terminated crystal healing wands and 6 sided single terminated meditation crystals with a flat base. At first he and his family cut them and sold them to students of crystal healing. Later they involved other cutters as well.

We are pleased to offer these beautiful crystal healing wands made in the style of Marcel Vogel.

18 Sided Smoky Citrine Phantom Vogel Wand

This wand comes with its own FREE handmade pouch constructed of 100% polyester fleece and micro bonded suede that has the look and feel of real sheepskin. They are designed for a snug fit and come with extra padding to protect delicate tips and points.

The Archangel Michael Connection

This powerful Smoky Citrine Vogel Wand contains hematite, or iron oxide, giving it a distinctive golden-orange hue, and a distinctive metaphysical connection with Archangel Michael.

Esoteric Christianity makes a link between hematite and Archangel Michael, and a quartz crystal containing hematite can provide the bearer with a powerful connection to Michael, providing access to the Archangel's loving wisdom and power to dissolve illusion through the activity of his famous sword, the sword of Ultimate Truth.

During the Libran month, the last half of September and first half of October, in the northern hemisphere, the Draconid meteor showers will be visible. At this time of year, when sensational meteor showers, largely composed of iron, traditionally streak across the night sky, Esoteric Christian philosopher Rudolph Steiner’s clairvoyant vision saw the traditional flashing iron sword of Michael.

We often use crystals, pendants and wands for psychic protection, purification and to clarify things of a spiritual nature. See our article on Psychic Self Defense for more information along these lines with many suggestions on how to protect yourself from unwanted energies.

This crystal has been cleaned with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energy attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing, so it will continue to receive and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation.

Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Note: Actual Weight is 242 grams or 8.53 oz.

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