
I Would Love to Be Your Sun
In this new poem, Curtis Lang evokes the energy of the Divine Lovers, offering a view of the Cosmic Dance that unites and vivifies all life in this Universe.

Angels Over Babylon
Sennacherib has returned
To haunt the empty halls of Ninevah.
Archaeologists have peeled his face
From palace walls and sent
His lion victories to London. . .
I believe in turnips
A bit of earthy admiration from James Bertolino,the poet of planetary magic
Indra's Falls
Experience a transformative & benevolent Uni-verse in Bertolino's timeless paean to Indra.
Be Not Immune
James Bertolino shares his raw vulnerability to the impulses of his Muse with our readers in this new poem.
Emerging Islands
James Bertolino's new poem explores the intersection of intent and meaning, and asks whether we can ever know the full, true significance of our own utterances.
What Is Not Allowed!
Internationally acclaimed poet Richard Tillinghast explores the web of rationalizations that underpin the casual, bureaucratized cruelty that imprisons millions of innocents in Palestine, now known most commonly as "The Gaza Strip", a convenient fiction that denationalizes Gaza citizens and strips them of their legitimate history.
We CAN create & inhabit a world of vision & beauty.
Metaphysical poetry about the poet's love affair with the Great Goddess.
Dying for Rain
This hymn is dedicated to the poet's heart entangled in a World Wide Web of human desires, full of courage and strength.
The Template
Read James Bertolino's Paean to the Blueprint of Immortality.
Not Into the Mirror
Read Jed Myer's latest poem which reflects upon the spirit of greed, and the introspection required of each of us in all of our relations.